Adult & Couples Therapy, Mental Health, Parenting & Family Therapy
Surviving the Suicide of a Loved One- How to Cope with Grief
The grief that ensues after losing a loved one to suicide is often very different than that experienced after losing someone to another cause. Survivors of suicide are often left…
Child & Adolescent Therapy, Mental Health, Parenting & Family Therapy
Fostering Resilience & Wellness in Children & Youth
Although the field of psychology often focuses on studying and treating certain symptoms and maladaptive behaviors, one might sometimes wonder “What actually fosters resilience and psychological well-being in children and…
Mental Health, Parenting & Family Therapy
Raise Your Child’s Self Esteem & Confidence
How to effectively raise your child’s self esteem and make them more confident when they are doing well and when they are not doing well-through healthy praise and effective criticism. Confidence…
Child & Adolescent Therapy, Mental Health, Parenting & Family Therapy
Coping with Separation Anxiety in the New School Year
What is Separation Anxiety? Separation anxiety is the stage where a young child becomes anxious at the threat of separating from their primary attachment figure. According to the Diagnostic and…
Mental Health, Parenting & Family Therapy
Living in a Digital World with Social Media & Teenagers
The growing digital world elicits mixed reactions and feelings. Social media, such as: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or Instagram, just to name a few, have introduced new possibilities in communication, networking, and…
Child & Adolescent Therapy, Mental Health, Parenting & Family Therapy
Concerns Over Screen Time for Children & Teens
During the month of July, The New York Times had two noteworthy pieces by Jane E. Brody in the Personal Health section that focused on screen time and children. They…
Child & Adolescent Therapy, Mental Health
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) & Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) has traditionally been thought of as a specific treatment method for children between the ages of 2-7 who exhibit symptoms of disruptive behavior disorders (e.g., Attention-Deficit…
Adult & Couples Therapy, Featured, Mental Health
How To Find The Right Therapist
In many ways, feeling a “click” with a therapist happens in the first session – you know when someone makes you feel comfortable or when you have more guardedness with…
Child & Adolescent Therapy, Mental Health, Parenting & Family Therapy
PCIT: Active Ignoring, Praise & Effective Discipline
A recent article in the New York Times highlighted the effectiveness of ignoring negative behaviors and praising positive behaviors. In the article, the mother noted “the results were stunning. Within…
Child & Adolescent Therapy, Mental Health, Parenting & Family Therapy
How Do I Get My Child to Listen?
Getting your child to listen, the first time, without losing your temper or souring your relationship can be no easy task. “Why won’t he just listen and do what I…