How can we proactively consider trauma’s effects in ABA care?
Trauma can be difficult to define since each individual experiences and processes life events and trauma differently. Trauma can include abuse, neglect, domestic violence in the family, exposure to substance…
Educational & Learning | Mental Health
A psychologist shares the 4 styles of parenting—and the type that researchers say is the most successful
Since children do not come with manuals, parents often struggle to determine how to raise mentally strong, well-rounded and successful kids. Some parents are strict, while others are lenient. Some are…
Assent and Client Dignity in ABA: Ethical vs. Legal Obligations
As Ethics Code abiding behavior analysts, we promise to first do no harm, to obtain informed consent prior to intervening, and to only target socially significant goals. As board certified…
Child & Adolescent Therapy | Mental Health
I’m a Mom and a Child Psychologist: This Is the Behavior I Actually Worry About
No one knows more about toddler milestones and social issues than a child psychologist. Francyne Zeltser, Psy.D. wants to help parents worry less and enjoy parenting more. As a child…
Unlocking the Potential of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) for ADHD in Long Island City, NY, and New York, NY
Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) emerges as a potent non-pharmaceutical intervention for children grappling with Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD). As more parents seek alternatives or complements to stimulant…
Adult & Couples Therapy | Child & Adolescent Therapy | Mental Health
Tips to Navigate Difficult Subjects like the War on Ukraine with Children
Russia’s attack on Ukraine has been a top story in the media across the globe, and the violent news can be difficult emotionally, even for adults. It may feel best…
BCBA Burnout: Causes & Ways to Combat Burnout in ABA
Written by Daniel Brashear, BCBA, LBA Over the past three years, external stressors surrounding the impact of COVID-19 left many people in the workforce feeling exhausted, unmotivated, and overwhelmed with…
Child & Adolescent Therapy | Mental Health
Parenting Workshop: “How to Get Your Child to Listen Without Yelling”
Behavioral Parent Training Workshop for Parents of Kids Ages 0-6 & 7-12 presented by Dr. Joshua Rosenthal on the UWS on 9/25/16. There were nearly 75 parents in attendance learning new…
ABA | Parenting & Family Therapy
Early Developmental Milestones: What to Look For and How You Can Help Your Child Grow
Written by Sudha Ramaswamy, PhD, BCBA-D, LBA Learning about early developmental milestones for babies and toddlers is one of the most important things that a parent or caregiver can do…
What are the Differences in OT, PT, Speech and ABA in Early Intervention?
Written by Sudha Ramaswamy, PhD, BCBA-D, LBA Medical professionals and therapists concur that the earlier in life a child receives early intervention services the better the child’s prognosis. All children…