UPDATED 11/10/22
Guidance for Staff and Patients Regarding Protocols for In-Person Therapy
Manhattan Psychology Group, PC (MPG) continues to monitor the ever-changing COVID-19 pandemic and implements guidelines recommended by the NYC Health Department (DOHMH) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In consideration of the ongoing operation of our offices, we have implemented the following guidelines to promote the wellness of our staff and patients.
Protocol Guidance for Staff and Patients
- MPG encourages all in-office staff to be fully vaccinated, defined by two doses of Pfizer or Moderna or one dose of Johnson & Johnson. Booster shots are highly recommended.
- MPG encourages all in-person clients, who are 12 years and older, and any accompanying family members, caregivers, and/or client representatives to be fully vaccinated two weeks prior to their first in-person appointment. Booster shots are highly recommended
- Any and all staff vaccination verification voluntarily submitted is kept on record in a confidential file separate from a staff member’s employment file.
- Any and all patient vaccination verification voluntarily submitted is filed with confidential patient records.
- Vaccination verification may include a picture or scanned image of a COVID-19 Vaccination Pass, COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card, or an official record noting the staff member or patient has been vaccinated.
- Patients and staff are encouraged to stay home if they are experiencing cold or flu symptoms or other symptoms associated with COVID-19. Patients and staff should be free of these symptoms for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to the office. These symptoms include, but are not limited to:
- Fever
- Chills and sweats
- Change in cough or a new cough
- Sore throat or new mouth sore
- Pink/redness, swollen, or drainage from the eye(s)
- New shortness of breath, not otherwise explained by a chronic condition
- Nasal congestion, not otherwise explained by seasonal allergies
- Diarrhea or vomiting
- New onset of pain, not otherwise explained by injury or chronic condition

We continue to prioritize health and safety so please stay home and switch to telehealth if you or anyone in your household are experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19, are asymptomatic but have tested positive for COVID-19, or are waiting on the result of a COVID-19 test.