A school shadow is a behaviorally-oriented professional with training in behavioral methodologies such as Applied Behavior Analysis, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, Verbal Behavior and Parent Management. A school shadow supports children in a variety of schools ranging from least restrictive to most restrictive environments in Manhattan from Pre-Kindergarten through Middle School. School shadows build collaborative working relationships with school staff, families and related service providers to ensure high quality teamwork. Shadows are matched with families based on their goodness of fit and work under supervision of a licensed behaviorist. In some cases, the behaviorist will work directly with the student in place of a shadow.
Our school shadows are advanced college and master’s level professionals who have worked at Big Apple Day Program (our special education social skills summer treatment camp in Manhattan) and been directly trained by our behaviorist. They are reliable, professional and excellent team members. We can provide a professional bio of your shadow upon request.
Why is a shadow so effective?
Shadows are helpful in the classroom because they support the academic, social and emotional aspects of the student's learning, while assisting the teacher with any challenges that may arise. A shadow provides 1:1 support to children and can create, monitor and update individualized behavior plans to best support the child’s specific needs at school. Goals of a behaviorally trained school shadow include:
- To increase appropriate behavioral, social, emotional and academic skills
- To support the learning of children in a classroom setting
- To ensure the generalization of learned skills both inside and outside the classroom
- To decrease and manage challenging behavior
- To enhance socialization and peer interaction
- To facilitate communication between home, school and related service providers
How does the school shadow process work?
- The parent and behaviorist discuss by phone the shadow program in detail to determine goodness of fit.
- The parent gives consent for the behaviorist and school team to share information about the student.
- The behaviorist conducts an onsite school assessment with the shadow, which includes direct observation and discussing the student with the school team and parents. The behaviorist creates an individualized behavior plan with goals and time frames for review. We prefer to use our Electronic Daily Report Card as it allows us to track, monitor and share information most efficiently online without paper.
- With approval, the behaviorist and shadow will begin implementing the plan, working collaboratively with the school team and updating the parents.
- Shortly thereafter, the behaviorist will fade out and the shadow will execute the plan directly on his/her own, with ongoing supervision from the behaviorist.
- There is ongoing monitoring of the behavior plan and regular communication between the shadow, parents and school staff. The behaviorist is also available for any questions or concerns.
The number of hours per day, days per week and weeks that the shadow is present at school is determined on an individual basis. Every student, classroom and behavior plan is different. In most cases, shadows provide 1:1 assistance for no less than 6 weeks, or until the student’s behavior is dramatically improved. Portions of the shadow program are reimbursed by insurance. Please contact us for costs and to get started.