Marleni Mallol is a Special Educator (2751523) living and working in New York City. She studied Human Services and Mental Health during her undergraduate years. In 2010, She furthered her studies by obtaining a Bachelor's Degree from Lehman College in Speech Pathology and Audiology. During this journey, she learned more about an Early Intervention-Special Education and Dual Certification Bilingual Extension program at the same college and decided to pursue a graduate degree and teaching certifications to help children with diverse needs. While studying at Lehman College, she worked for three years as an intern-teacher’s assistant at an Integrated Co-Teaching classroom in the Bronx, New York supporting children with diverse needs.
After she graduated, she traveled to the Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Peru on a missionary trip with the purpose of providing supplies, quality resources and compassionate support to families and children in need. This trip was extremely rewarding for Marleni and inspired her to embark in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to help families and children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other disabilities.
This journey led Marleni to acquire a postgraduate advance certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) at Hunter College in 2020. In June 2021, Marleni successfully completed the prerequisites to be eligible to sit for the Board Certification exam. Marleni is currently working as a Special Educator/Behavior Therapist, providing center base one to one instruction as a home service provider. Marleni is a compassionate professional who aspires to grow and apply her experience and knowledge in making a meaningful impact to the individuals and families that she works with.